

Article de revue


Article de revue
Chapitre de livre

  • Fiorini Camilla, Boulvard Pierre-Marie, Li Long et Mémin Etienne (2023) « A Two-Step Numerical Scheme in Time for Surface Quasi Geostrophic Equations Under Location Uncertainty », in Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics, éd. par Bertrand Chapron, Dan Crisan, Darryl Holm, Etienne Mémin, et Anna Radomska, Cham : Springer International Publishing, 10: p. 57-67. ISBN : 9783031189876 9783031189883.
    Résumé : Abstract In this work we consider the surface quasi-geostrophic (SQG) system under location uncertainty (LU) and propose a Milstein-type scheme for these equations, which is then used in a multi-step method. The SQG system considered here consists of one stochastic partial differential equation, which models the stochastic transport of the buoyancy, and a linear operator linking the velocity and the buoyancy. In the LU setting, the Euler-Maruyama scheme converges with weak order 1 and strong order 0.5. Our aim is to develop higher order schemes in time, based on a Milstein-type scheme in a multi-step framework. First we compared different kinds of Milstein schemes. The scheme with the best performance is then included in the two-step scheme. Finally, we show how our two-step scheme decreases the error in comparison to other multi-step schemes.

  • Fiorini Camilla (2023) « Uncertainty Propagation of the Shock Position for Hyperbolic PDEs Using a Sensitivity Equation Method », in Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X—Volume 2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems, éd. par Emmanuel Franck, Jürgen Fuhrmann, Victor Michel-Dansac, et Laurent Navoret, Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 433: p. 131-139. ISBN : 9783031408595 9783031408601.


Article de revue

  • Bilotta Giuseppe, Zago Vito, Centorrino Veronica, Dalrymple Robert A., Hérault Alexis, Del Negro Ciro et Saikali Elie (2022) « A numerically robust, parallel-friendly variant of BiCGSTAB for the semi-implicit integration of the viscous term in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics », Journal of Computational Physics, 466, p. 111413. DOI : 10.1016/

  • Destuynder P., Hervella-Nieto L., López-Pérez P.M., Orellana J. et Prieto A. (2022) « A modal-based Partition of Unity Finite Element Method for elastic wave propagation problems in layered media », Computers & Structures, 265, p. 106759. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruc.2022.106759.

  • Edwige Stéphie, Gilotte Philippe et Mortazavi Iraj (2022) « Computational Analysis of Actuation Techniques Impact on the Flow Control around the Ahmed Body », Fluids, 7 (2) (janvier 24), p. 52. DOI : 10.3390/fluids7020052.
    Résumé : Active flow control with jet devices is a promising approach for vehicle aerodynamics control. In this work an extended computational study is performed comparing three different actuation strategies for active flow control around the square back Ahmed body at Reynolds number 500,000 (based on the vehicle height). Numerical simulations are run using a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach, well adapted to calculate the unsteady high Reynolds number flow control using periodic jet devices. computations are validated comparing to in-house experiments for uncontrolled and some controlled cases. The novelty of this investigation is mainly related to the in-depth study of the base flow and actuation approaches by an accurate LES method and their comparison to experiments. Here, several simulations are performed to estimate the effect of active controls on the flow topology and the drag reduction. Beside the continuous blowing jet, three periodic actuation techniques including periodic blowing and suction as well as the zero flux synthetic jet devices are explored. The slots are implemented discontinuously in order to achieve a better control efficiency linked to vortex generation. In this framework, spectral analyses on global aerodynamical quantities, rear pressure/drag coefficient behavior examination as well as wake structure investigations are performed in order to compare these jet actuations. As a result, shear layer variations are observed during the blowing phase, but the main flow topology change occurs with suction and synthetic jets. Rear back pressure is therefore substantially increased.

  • Gilotte Philippe, Mortazavi Iraj, Colon de Carvajal Alfonso, Edwige Stephie et Nayeri Christian Navid (2022) « Aerodynamical characteristics of a reduced scale ground vehicle according to yaw angle variations », International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 32 (4) (mars 28), p. 1222-1236. DOI : 10.1108/HFF-08-2021-0522.
    Résumé : Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study pressure measurement correlations, as the location of the pressure sensors should enable to capture variation of the drag force depending on the yaw angle and some geometrical modifications. Design/methodology/approach The present aerodynamical study, performed on a reduced scale mock-up representing a sport utility vehicle, involves both numerical and experimental investigations. Experiments performed in a wind tunnel facility deal with drag and pressure measurements related to the side wind variation. The pressure sensor locations are deduced from wall streamlines computed from large eddy simulation results on the external surfaces of the mock-up. Findings After validation of the drag coefficient (Cd) values computed with an aerodynamic balance, measurements should only imply pressure tap mounted on the vehicle to perform real driving emission (RDE) tests. Originality/value Relation presented in this paper between pressure coefficients measured on a side sensor and the drag coefficient data must enable to better quantify the drag force contribution of a ground vehicle in RDE tests.

  • Hélène Canot, Philippe Durand, Emmanuel Frenod, Bouchra Hassoune-Rhabbour, Valerie Nassiet (2022) « Prediction the Strain of Traction-aged Polymer Systems from Artificial Neural Networks with Regularization », International Association of Engineers, 49 (4) (décembre).

  • Horsin Thierry et Jendoubi Mohamed Ali (2022) « Asymptotics for some discretizations of dynamical systems, application to second order systems with non-local nonlinearities », Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis. DOI : 10.3934/cpaa.2022007.
    Résumé : <p style='text-indent:20px;'>In the present paper we study the asymptotic behavior of discretized finite dimensional dynamical systems. We prove that under some discrete angle condition and under a Lojasiewicz's inequality condition, the solutions to an implicit scheme converge to equilibrium points. We also present some numerical simulations suggesting that our results may be extended under weaker assumptions or to infinite dimensional dynamical systems.</p>
Article de colloque

  • Delassaux Francois, Mortazavi Iraj, Herbert Vincent et Ribes Charles (2022) « Flow Simulation and Investigation Around a Estate Vehicle Using Hybrid Methods » (présenté à ASME 2022 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting), in Volume 2: Multiphase Flow (MFTC); Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDTC); Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics (MNFDTC), Toronto, Ontario, Canada : American Society of Mechanical Engineers, p. V002T05A011. ISBN : 9780791885840. DOI : 10.1115/FEDSM2022-86921.
    Résumé : Abstract In this work hybrid RANS/LES methods are adapted in order to simulate the flow around a realistic car geometry (estate vehicle). Numerical results are compared to in-house experiments. In order to achieve an accurate understanding of the flow behavior around the car geometry, a wide range of experiments are performed measuring forces, pressure coefficients and tomography for 3D description of the flow in the wake of the body.

  • Helene Canot, Philippe Durand, Emmanuel Frenod, Bouchera.Hassoune-Rhabbour, Valerie.Nassiet (2022) « Regularized Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Strain of Traction-aged Polymer Systems Part I », in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London, U.K : Newswood Limited, p. pp 7-14. ISBN : 978-988-14049-3-0.

  • Helene Canot, Philippe Durand, Emmanuel Frenod, Bouchera.Hassoune-Rhabbour, Valerie.Nassiet (2022) « Regularized Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Strain of Traction-aged Polymer Systems Part II », in Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London, U.K : Newswood Limited, p. pp 15-20. ISBN : 978-988-14049-3-0.

  • Terre Michel, Fety Luc et Horsin Thierry (2022) « Blind Channels Responses Estimation by Constrained Clustering » (présenté à 2022 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), in 2022 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), Split, Croatia : IEEE, p. 1-6. ISBN : 9789532901177. DOI : 10.23919/SoftCOM55329.2022.9911466.


Article de revue

  • Delassaux Francois, Mortazavi Iraj, Itam Emmanuelle, Herbert Vincent et Ribes Charles (2021) « Sensitivity analysis of hybrid methods for the flow around the ahmed body with application to passive control with rounded edges », Computers & Fluids, 214, p. 104757. DOI : 10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104757.

  • Durand Philippe (2021) « Mathematical Tools to Understand the Field Theories of the Standard Model and Beyond », International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 15 (juillet 28), p. 54-61. DOI : 10.46300/9102.2021.15.10.
    Résumé : Since Isaac Newton the understanding of the physical world is more and more complex. The Euclidean space of three dimensions , independent of time is replaced in Enstein’s vision by the Lorentzian space-time at first, then by four dimensions manifold to unify space and matter. String theorists add to space more dimensions to make their theory consistent. Complex topological invariants which characterize different kind of spaces are developed. Space is discretized at the quantum scale in the loop quantum gravity theory. A non-commutative and spectral geometry is defined from the theory of operator algebra by Alain Connes. In this review, our goal is to enumerate different approaches implementing algebra and topology in order to understand the standard model of particles and beyond

  • Fiorini Camilla, Després Bruno et Puscas Maria Adela (2021) « Sensitivity equation method for the Navier‐Stokes equations applied to uncertainty propagation », International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93 (1), p. 71-92. DOI : 10.1002/fld.4875.

  • Jacques M. et Wilk O. (2021) « High-order Absorbing Boundary Condition, Domain Decomposition Method and Stratified Dispersive Wave Model », Wave Motion, 106, p. 102806. DOI : 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2021.102806.

  • Keck Jean-Baptiste, Cottet Georges-Henri, Meiburg Eckart, Mortazavi Iraj et Picard Christophe (2021) « Double-diffusive sedimentation at high Schmidt numbers: Semi-Lagrangian simulations », Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2) (février 8), p. L022301. DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.L022301.

  • Mimeau Chloé, Marié Simon et Mortazavi Iraj (2021) « A comparison of semi-Lagrangian vortex method and lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible flows », Computers & Fluids, 224, p. 104946. DOI : 10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.104946.

  • Mimeau Chloé et Mortazavi Iraj (2021) « A Review of Vortex Methods and Their Applications: From Creation to Recent Advances », Fluids, 6 (2) (février 4), p. 68. DOI : 10.3390/fluids6020068.
    Résumé : This review paper presents an overview of Vortex Methods for flow simulation and their different sub-approaches, from their creation to the present. Particle methods distinguish themselves by their intuitive and natural description of the fluid flow as well as their low numerical dissipation and their stability. Vortex methods belong to Lagrangian approaches and allow us to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in their velocity-vorticity formulation. In the last three decades, the wide range of research works performed on these methods allowed us to highlight their robustness and accuracy while providing efficient computational algorithms and a solid mathematical framework. On the other hand, many efforts have been devoted to overcoming their main intrinsic difficulties, mostly relying on the treatment of the boundary conditions and the distortion of particle distribution. The present review aims to describe the Vortex methods by following their chronological evolution and provides for each step of their development the mathematical framework, the strengths and limits as well as references to applications and numerical simulations. The paper ends with a presentation of some challenging and very recent works based on Vortex methods and successfully applied to problems such as hydrodynamics, turbulent wake dynamics, sediment or porous flows.

  • Thierry Horsin et Mohamed Ali Jendoubi (2021) « On the convergence to equilibria of a sequence defined by an implicit scheme », Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, serie S. DOI : 10.3934/dcdss.2020465.
Article de colloque

  • Bilotta Giuseppe, Calvari Sonia, Cappello Annalisa, Corradino Claudia, Del Negro Ciro, Ganci Gaetana et Hérault Alexis (2021) Lava flow hazard of the 2018 Etna eruption: What happened and what could happen, Other, pico.
    Résumé : &lt;p&gt;On 24 December 2018 a flank eruption started on Etna from an eruptive fissure opened on the eastern side of the New Southeast Crater (NCSE) at about 3,100 m asl, which in few minutes, propagated to the south-east, overcoming the edge of the western wall of the Valle del Bove (VdB), reaching an altitude of 2,400 m asl and a total length of about 2 km. The eruption, which lasted only three days, produced lava flows from different vents along the eruptive fissure that reached a distance of about 4.2 km and covered an area of about 1 km2. The satellite monitoring of the 2018 Etna eruption was performed using the HOTSAT system using mid and thermal infrared data acquired by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI), which provided minimum and maximum estimates for the lava thermal flux, the effusion rate and the lava volume. The SEVIRI-derived effusion rate estimates were used as input of the MAGFLOW model to simulate the actual lava flow field, obtaining a very good fit. We also simulated different eruptive scenarios assuming the lava emission wouldn&amp;#8217;t run out in only three days to forecast if, when and how the lava flow could reach the inhabited areas, causing possible significant damage.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;

  • Zago Vito, Bilotta Giuseppe, Cappello Annalisa, Dalrymple Robert, Fortuna Luigi, Ganci Gaetana, Herault Alexis et Del Negro Ciro (2021) SPH model for the simulation of lava-buildings interactions, Other, pico.
    Résumé : &lt;p&gt;Numerical simulation is a fundamental aspect of modern volcanology, providing tools for the forecasting of lava flows behavior, so as to assist in the design of mitigation actions for volcanic risk. In addition to the prediction of the emplacement topology, numerical simulation can be useful to study the possible outcomes of the interaction between a lava flow and a building. This kind of information can help to estimate the vulnerability of buildings so as to produce more accurate risk evaluations. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a particle-based numerical method, particularly suited for the simulation of fluids with a high level of complexity, that can intrinsically deal with all of the physical properties of lava. GPUSPH is a simulation engine based on the SPH method that has been developed in order to take into account the challenging aspects of lava simulations and has been successfully applied to the simulation of lava-related benchmark tests. Here we use the SPH method, coupled within the framework of GPUSPH with a rigid body mechanics solver provided by the Project Chrono engine, for the realistic study of lava-buildings interaction. The resulting coupled model is able to simulate masonry with a brick-level accurate description, providing insights on any damages happening to the structure. We will show the simulation of a lava flow interacting with an elementary masonry piece, where a total collapse of the structure is induced by the action of the lava.&lt;/p&gt;


Article de revue

  • Braun Mathias, Piller Olivier, Deuerlein Jochen, Mortazavi Iraj et Iollo Angelo (2020) « Uncertainty quantification of water age in water supply systems by use of spectral propagation », Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22 (1) (janvier 1), p. 111-120. DOI : 10.2166/hydro.2019.017.
    Résumé : Abstract Water distribution networks are critical infrastructures that should ensure the reliable supply of high quality potable water to its users. Numerical models of these networks are generally governed by many parameters for which the exact value is not known. This may be due to a lack of precise knowledge like for consumer demand or due to a lack of accessibility as for the pipe roughness. For network managers, the effect of these uncertainties on the network state is important information that supports them in the decision-making process. This effect is generally evaluated by propagating the uncertainties using the mathematical model. In the past, perturbation, fuzzy and stochastic collocation methods have been used for uncertainty propagation. However, these methods are limited either in the accuracy of the results or the computational effort of the necessary calculations. This paper uses an alternative spectral approach that uses the polynomial chaos expansion and has the potential to give results of comparable accuracy to the Monte Carlo sampling through the definition of a stochastic model. This approach is applied to the hydraulic model of two real networks in order to evaluate the influence of uncertain demands on the water age.

  • Braun Mathias, Piller Olivier, Iollo Angelo et Mortazavi Iraj (2020) « A Spectral Approach to Uncertainty Quantification in Water Distribution Networks », Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 146 (3), p. 04019080. DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001138.

  • Del Negro Ciro, Cappello Annalisa, Bilotta Giuseppe, Ganci Gaetana, Hérault Alexis et Zago Vito (2020) « Living at the edge of an active volcano: Risk from lava flows on Mt. Etna », GSA Bulletin, 132 (7-8) (juillet 1), p. 1615-1625. DOI : 10.1130/B35290.1.
    Résumé : Abstract Lava flows represent the greatest threat by far to exposed population and infrastructure on Mt. Etna, Italy. The increasing exposure of a larger population, which has almost tripled in the area around Mt. Etna during the past 150 years, has resulted from poor assessment of the volcanic hazard and inappropriate land use in vulnerable areas. Here we quantify the lava flow risk on the flanks of Mt. Etna volcano using a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based approach that integrates the hazard with the exposure of elements at stake. The hazard, which shows the long-term probability related to lava flow inundation, is obtained by combining three different kinds of information: the spatiotemporal probability of new flank eruptive vents opening in the future, the event probability associated with classes of expected eruptions, and the overlapping of lava flow paths simulated by the MAGFLOW model. Data including all exposed elements were gathered from institutional web portals and high-resolution satellite imagery and organized in four thematic layers: population, buildings, service networks, and land use. The total exposure is given by a weighted linear combination of the four thematic layers, where weights are calculated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The resulting risk map shows the likely damage caused by a lava flow eruption and allows rapid visualization of the areas subject to the greatest losses if a flank eruption were to occur on Mt. Etna. The highest risk is found in the southeastern flank due to the combination of high hazard and population density.

  • Durand (2020) « Review of the Index Theorem: Applications in Mathematical Physic and Engineering Sciences », IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 50 (2), p. 320-329.

  • Durand Philippe (2020) « From QFT to 2-d Supersymetric TQT:Mirror symmetry between Math and Physic », WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS, 19 (mars 9). DOI : 10.37394/23206.2020.19.4.
    Résumé : Theoretical physics is taking an increasing part in the universe of mathematics. After calculus, vector and tensorial analysis, topological theories make their entry into quantum field theories. More precisely, in this domain, topological theories are the most relevant. A fundamental theorem of the Atiyah has important repercussions in several branches of quantum physics in the geometric approach. We can cite the work of Alain Connes on non-commutative geometry, but also all the developments due to Donaldson, E. Witten around Gauge theories, superstring and Mirror Symmetry. We present here an historical survey of some topological field theories, especially Mirror Symmetry to understand the interpenetration between quantum physics and topology.

  • Fiorini Camilla, Chalons Christophe et Duvigneau Régis (2020) « A modified sensitivity equation method for the Euler equations in presence of shocks », Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 36 (4), p. 839-867. DOI : 10.1002/num.22454.

  • Horsin Thierry et Jendoubi Mohamed Ali (2020) « Non-genericity of initial data with punctual $$\omega $$-limit set », Archiv der Mathematik, 114 (2), p. 185-193. DOI : 10.1007/s00013-019-01377-8.

  • Horsin Thierry et Jendoubi Mohamed Ali (2020) « An extension of a Lyapunov approach to the stabilization of second order coupled systems », ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 26, p. 19. DOI : 10.1051/cocv/2019075.
    Résumé : This paper deals with the convergence to zero of the energy of the solutions of a second order linear coupled system. It revisits some previous results on the stabilization of such systems by exhibiting Lyapunov functions. The ones used are constructed according to some scalar cases situations. These simpler situations explicitely show that the assumptions made on the operators in the coupled systems seem, first, natural and, second, give insight on their forms.

  • Saikali Elie, Bilotta Giuseppe, Hérault Alexis et Zago Vito (2020) « Accuracy Improvements for Single Precision Implementations of the SPH Method », International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 34 (10) (novembre 25), p. 774-787. DOI : 10.1080/10618562.2020.1836357.
Chapitre de livre

  • Cappello Annalisa, Bilotta Giuseppe, Corradino Claudia, Ganci Gaetana, Hérault Alexis, Zago Vito et Del Negro Ciro (2020) Lava flow risk assessment on Mount Etna through hazard and exposure modelling, Other, oral.
    Résumé : &lt;p&gt;Lava flows represent the greatest threat to exposed population and infrastructure on Mt Etna volcano (Italy). The increasing exposure of a larger population, which has almost tripled in the area around Mt Etna during the last 150 years, has resulted from poor assessment of the volcanic hazard, allowing inappropriate land use in vulnerable areas. We present a new methodology to quantify the lava flow risk on Etna&amp;#8217;s flanks using a GIS-based approach that integrates the hazard with the exposure of elements at stake. The hazard, showing the long-term probability related to lava flow inundation, is obtained by combining three different kinds of information: the spatiotemporal probability of the future opening of new flank eruptive vents, the event probability associated with classes of expected eruptions, and the overlapping of lava flow paths simulated by the MAGFLOW model. Data including all exposed elements have been gathered from institutional web portals and high-resolution satellite imagery, and organized in four thematic layers: population, buildings, service networks, and land use. The total exposure is given by a weighted linear combination of the four thematic layers, where weights are calculated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The resulting risk map shows the likely damage caused by a lava flow eruption, allowing rapid visualization of the areas subject to the greatest losses if a flank eruption were to occur on Etna.&lt;/p&gt;


Article de revue

  • Bilotta Giuseppe, Cappello Annalisa, Hérault Alexis et Del Negro Ciro (2019) « Influence of topographic data uncertainties and model resolution on the numerical simulation of lava flows », Environmental Modelling & Software, 112, p. 1-15. DOI : 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.11.001.

  • Cappello Annalisa, Ganci Gaetana, Bilotta Giuseppe, Corradino Claudia, Hérault Alexis et Del Negro Ciro (2019) « Changing Eruptive Styles at the South-East Crater of Mount Etna: Implications for Assessing Lava Flow Hazards », Frontiers in Earth Science, 7 (août 21), p. 213. DOI : 10.3389/feart.2019.00213.

  • Corradino Claudia, Ganci Gaetana, Cappello Annalisa, Bilotta Giuseppe, Hérault Alexis et Del Negro Ciro (2019) « Mapping Recent Lava Flows at Mount Etna Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 Images and Machine Learning Techniques », Remote Sensing, 11 (16) (août 16), p. 1916. DOI : 10.3390/rs11161916.
    Résumé : Accurate mapping of recent lava flows can provide significant insight into the development of flow fields that may aid in predicting future flow behavior. The task is challenging, due to both intrinsic properties of the phenomenon (e.g., lava flow resurfacing processes) and technical issues (e.g., the difficulty to survey a spatially extended lava flow with either aerial or ground instruments while avoiding hazardous locations). The huge amount of moderate to high resolution multispectral satellite data currently provides new opportunities for monitoring of extreme thermal events, such as eruptive phenomena. While retrieving boundaries of an active lava flow is relatively straightforward, problems arise when discriminating a recently cooled lava flow from older lava flow fields. Here, we present a new supervised classifier based on machine learning techniques to discriminate recent lava imaged in the MultiSpectral Imager (MSI) onboard Sentinel-2 satellite. Automated classification evaluates each pixel in a scene and then groups the pixels with similar values (e.g., digital number, reflectance, radiance) into a specified number of classes. Bands at the spatial resolution of 10 m (bands 2, 3, 4, 8) are used as input to the classifier. The training phase is performed on a small number of pixels manually labeled as covered by fresh lava, while the testing characterizes the entire lava flow field. Compared with ground-based measurements and actual lava flows of Mount Etna emplaced in 2017 and 2018, our automatic procedure provides excellent results in terms of accuracy, precision, and sensitivity.

  • Mimeau Chloé, Mortazavi Iraj et Cottet Georges-Henri (2019) « A Semi-Langrangian Vortex Penalization Method for 3D Incompressible Flows », Journal of Mathematical Study, 52 (3), p. 277-298. DOI : 10.4208/jms.v52n3.19.04.

  • Wei Zhangping, Edge Billy L., Dalrymple Robert A. et Hérault Alexis (2019) « Modeling of wave energy converters by GPUSPH and Project Chrono », Ocean Engineering, 183, p. 332-349. DOI : 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.04.029.
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